Thursday 2 May 2019

Current Events I

 From media laughingstock to media craze

Esports phenomenon reached a tipping point in how it is viewed worldwide. The once niche past -time has finally secured its place in the mainstream media, with more and more brands realising the endless opportunities it presents, both for those inside and outside the games industry.

The "League of Legends" world championships event, which occurred last year at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, triggered the interest of the American mainstream press. Following this, the rise of the Esports phenomenon, and the press attention that it receives has accelerated rapidly.
2 years ago, an Esport even in Madison Square Garden would have been unthinkable. But in the June 2018 New York main entertainment ground hosted an ESL One Dota 2 event and later that week the same organizer announced that they will soldout 18,000 seat SAP center in San Jose and they did.
The rise of Esport continues...
Most of the viewers prefer to watch Esports on the classic TV channels such as CNN.

But at the beginning, mainstream media took Esports as a joke.

This video from "eSports eScore" shows how media had a diffrent opinion but soon changed it and helped to promote Esports.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ruslan,
    I agree that Esport is a rapidly developing industry in the modern world. It gives an opportunities for many young people to achieve something with a minimum investments. Nevertheless, I believe that the overuse of Esport can lead to the health and mental problems. Thus, it must be carefully monitored.
