Sunday 5 May 2019

What the Experts Say II

Combining everything that I said earlier with the popularity of the Esports and its positive sides, I have to talk about the things I said in the Intruductionary post, such as the mainstream media hates Esports and Video games at all.

According to the experts, such as Psychologist Kathryn Smerling who said during the interview with Fox Business live talk on the TV, that Video games cause violence and addiction comparing it to drugs such as heroin, she also fears that promotion of Esports in the mainstream media may cause more young people getting addicted to it.

Another thing that related to that are politicians such as Donald Trump's statement, he said that first-person shooters may also cause real-life violence alike mass shootings which are the big topic to take a look at especially in the U.S.A. and in some ways it is connected to the video games and its promotion.

Next, the article from a.LIST shows why and how world-leading brands, athletes and investors say that Esports matters from the media side.

This article is a compilation of interviews with the industry experts from 3-time NBA Champion Rick Fox (who is now having his own Esports organization "Echo Fox") to Alban Dechelotte, Coca-Cola's marketing manager.

I personally like the interview with "Bud Light" digital manager Jesse Wofford who shows how Esports is important for their company because they are been sponsoring Esports events for 25 years by now.

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